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We Offer Top-Notch Family Dentistry

Dr. Barbara Bowman-Hensley isn’t the only highly qualified and committed dental professional in the office. Our staff plays a vital role in our patients’ oral health. From the front office staff to the dental assistant, each team member carries out her responsibilities with dedication and professionalism. When you arrive at Gentle Family Dentistry, our front office staff greets you with a smile and ensures you feel comfortable. Given that many of our patients feel uncomfortable or even afraid of visiting the dentist, their role is essential. From there our dentist and dental assistants work hard to clean their patients’ teeth. For high-quality family dentistry in Asheville, NC, you can trust our team!

Amy Profile


Dental Assistant

Amy began her dental career journey in 1984 and continues to find daily fulfillment in helping her community. Her wealth of experience is an incredible asset to us, and we’re proud to have her in our dental team!
All year long, Amy looks forward to decorating for Christmas – her favorite holiday! She has seven grandkids and a poodle named Beau, all of whom she loves to spoil.



Dental Assistant

Hannah is one of our treasured dental assistants, bringing enthusiasm and joy to our office every day. Hannah received her x-ray certification in April 2024 and loves applying the additional skill set. She’s passionate about our younger patients and loves keeping their smiles healthy.


Business Manager

Rebecca is our business manager – a Jill of all trades! She coordinates care between patients and specialists and ensures each patient’s needs are met with the highest level of attention.

Rebecca received her x-ray certification in 2023 and loves helping in the clinical setting as much as she can! In her down time, Rebecca’s favorite things are gardening and hiking.



Insurance Coordinator

Cheryl is our insurance coordinator, expertly helping patients maximize their benefits. Sometimes you may see Cheryl in the clinical setting, using her many years of hands-on dental experience to offer assistance where needed.

Cheryl was born in Charlotte, NC, but raised all over the United States and Germany while her father was in the USAF. She has since moved to the Asheville area with her beloved Golden Retriever Maggie. She has two children and three beautiful grandchildren.

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